Sunday, December 8, 2019

Setting In a small town called Wirrawee Essay Example For Students

Setting: In a small town called Wirrawee Essay Time Period: 1990sMain Characters: Ellie, Kevin (joins later in the book), Robyn, Homer, Lee,FiPlot: They meet Kevin, they blow up cobblers bay, and they get caught. Other: This is the third book in a series of five books and I wont betelling what happened in the previous books since it will take too muchtime and work (precious time). But I have done reports on the previousbooks and you can read them if you are really interested. By the way weneed to give these five/six (including Kevin when he joins) people a namebecause I cant be saying Ellie, Kevin, Robyn, Homer, Lee, Fi walked So lets call them our friends. Summary:Our friends are hanging out in Hell (a camp in the bush) and going outsideat times to do some exploration. One day they get lucky and spot a workgroup (the captured people of the city that do the dirty jobs) and Kevin isamong them. Kevin also sees them and when the guards arent watching heslips of to meet them. He explains that if he escapes the soldiers willkill his mother that is a hostage back in the showground (camp forprisoners). Our friends come up with a plan and Kevin goes back to the workgroup and explains it to his working friends. Someone screams that Kevin has fallen into the well (our friends haveearlier removed some bricks and thrown in a dead sheep so it startssmelling) anyway the guards think Kevin is dead and Kevin escapes. So now that our friends are reunited, they decide to blow up an importantbay that has been used a lot in the war. Now the question was, how wouldthey get in? It was a well-protected area. When they are walking along the road to Cobblers Bay, they see a brokendown truck on the side of the road. They decide to investigate but thenanother truck appears down the road. They hide quickly and watch. Out ofthe truck, some men that look like engineers come out. They fix the brokendown truck and one of them hops in and starts driving. Here our friends getan idea. The convoys that head for Cobblers Bay, they could put a tree onthe road so the convoy stops. Then Kevin, who paid attention in the physicslessons, could creep in under the truck and do something so the truckbreaks down further down the road. When the convoy leaves the truck for theengineers to come, our friends make their move. Kevin gets the idea of whattype of explosives they should use. They load the truck with fertilizers(which every farm had) and diesel. When enlighten this could make a verypowerful bomb. Homer and Ellie jump in the back of the truck and wait forthe engineers to come to fix it. After some hours t he engineers come, fixthe truck and drive towards Cobblers Bay. Ellie and Homer stay in thetruck for some hours. When they go out they find out that they are inside aship. They pour the gasoline over the fertilizer and get ready. They lightthe fuse and climb up to the deck. They jump into the water and swim forsafety but get separated. When Ellie gets out of the water, she heads fortheir meeting place. At the meeting place she sees three soldiers pointingguns at her friends. She sneaks up on the soldiers and hits the closest onewith a stone. Then she takes his gun and kills the other two. Ellie and herfriends run out of the forest and find a car parked on the side of theroad. They assume that its probably the soldiers car. They take the riskand drive the car up the road. But they get caught and are taken to aprison. In the prison they get sentenced to death. On the day of theexecution, an air raid from New Zeeland attacks the prison. It destroysmost of the prison so our friends are able to escape. Robyn picks up a gunand some grenades. On their way out a soldier catches them. The soldiertells Robyn to throw her gun down and so she does. While the soldier turnsand looks at the other five, Robyn sticks he hand in her shirt and pullsthe grenade pin. She sacrifices herself so her friends can escape (heroic). .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 , .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .postImageUrl , .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 , .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:hover , .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:visited , .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:active { border:0!important; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:active , .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842 .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud1132eeaca4b9826b8fd401da9df2842:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nutrition EssayShocked, her friends escape. On a field outside the prison grounds of theprison, they see a shot down airplane. The pilot gets out of the cockpitand runs away from the plane. After some seconds the plane blows. Ourfriends go talk to the pilot and he tells them that he has a radio and hewill soon contact a chopper that will pick him up. Our friends ask thepilot if they can go with. The pilot doubts at first, but after our friendstell him what they have done he lets them come. My opinions: Not bad, in fact, not bad at all. I thought that this was thebest book in the series. It was a great book that had lots of everything init. I read like 100 pages one time, I couldnt stop. Now if I read 100pages in one time, the book is good, trust me. The author John Marsdendescribed the environment very well since he was born in a very small townin Australia. The book is written in first person, out of Ellies view. Book for Keeps describes it as a powerful and compulsive read and I thinkthat they are right. New Words:Falter- move or act in an uncertain or hesitating way. Eradicate- put an end to something. Epilogue. Last part of a book or play. Lush- plants, trees, etc growing thickly and strongly.

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