Saturday, November 30, 2019

United Nations and International Peace

Introduction United Nations is an international organization, established in 1945 after the Second World War following the dire consequences of the First and the Second World Wars. Although the First World War led to the establishment of the League of Nations in order to promote international peace and security, it failed to prevent the occurrence of the Second World War. To overcome the flaws in the League of Nations, the United Nations was formed on 26 June 1945, when the Charter of the United Nations was signed by member states.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on United Nations and International Peace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The functions of the United Nations as stipulated in the Article 1 include maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, promoting international cooperation in problem solving and harmonization of the collective responsibility of the natio ns (Auden, 1997, p. 50). This essay examines the role of the United Nations in maintenance of international peace and security, and its effectiveness as empowered by the charter. The United Nations Provisions The Charter of the United Nations Article 24 empowers the Security Council to exercise the functions of the United Nation. According to the International Court of Justice (2010), the United Nations members â€Å"confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility the Security Council acts on their behalf.† The Security Council has prerogative of determining peace and security status of the member states by ensuring that every member has equal rights of protection. The Security Council should discharge its functions as stipulated in chapters VI, VII, and XII in the Charter of the United Nations. Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter deals with Pacific Settlement of Disputes. This chapter empowers the Security Council to call disputing parties to solve any dispute â€Å"by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice† (Browne, 2003, p. 16). The Security Council identify, investigate and recommend appropriate procedures of addressing situations that may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security to the International Court of Justice (Novak, 2001, p. 5). In chapter VII, the United Nations Charter gives powers to the security to â€Å"determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Article 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security† (Miller, 1999, p. 67). The Security Council will use all means to make sure that al l its members are protected against any threat to peace or an aggression.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In chapter VII, the United Nations Charter empowers the Security Council to ensure that any regional arrangements that involve maintenance of the international peace and security should comply with the United Nations purposes and principles. According to the Article 52, â€Å"the Security Council shall encourage the development of pacific settlement of local disputes through such regional arrangements or by such regional agencies either on the initiative of the states concerned or by reference from the Security Council† (Brader, 2005, p. 78). The Security Council should be updated â€Å"at all times about the activities undertaken or in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of international peace and securityâ⠂¬  (Smith, 2002, p. 33). Since the United Nations Security Council is responsible for the maintenance of peace and security worldwide, then any issues related to peace and security are of great concern lest they threaten peace and security of others. Effectiveness of the United Nations Political nature of the General Assembly and the Security Council hinder the effectiveness of the United Nations in fostering international peace and security. Simon (2009) argues that, ‘the United Nations’ efforts to preserve international peace and security are the most contentious aspect of its entire work, because of the inherently political nature of its role† (p. 23). The resolution of conflicts and disputes depend on the political orientation of the General Assembly, Security Council and member states thus complicating the issues. The decision to invade Iraq was formulated politically by George Bush and Tony Blair to deceive the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Prados and Ames (2010), argue that, â€Å"the evidence indicates the decision was made very early, long before ultimatums to Iraq or other diplomatic action.† This shows that the main reason for Iraq invasion was political rather than a security reason. Another case is the cold war between the United State and Soviet Union where Baruch describes it as â€Å"the most important political and diplomatic issue of the early post war period† (2007). The split of the Soviet Union was due to political influence of the United Nations. Conclusion The main reason for the establishment of the United Nations was save the world against horrible consequences of war. Horrible experiences of First and Second World War made the world leaders to come together and think of various ways of preventing the future occurrence of war.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on United Nations and International Peace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/pag e Learn More The United Nations in its Security Council arm is fostering international peace and security through legal procedures, diplomacy and military peacekeeping. With this noble responsibility, the United Nations experiences undue political pressure as they maintain international peace and security. References Auden, H. (1997). The United Nations Charter. Human Rights Journal, 22(3): 45-53. Print. Baruch, B. (2007). Cold War. Global Security. Web. Brader, S. (2005). International Relations: Peace and Security. New York. Norton. 78. Browne, M. (2003). United Nations Peacekeeping: Issues for Congress. The Library of  Congress, 6(2): 1-16. International Court of Justice, (2010). The Charter of the United Nations. Web. Miller, T. (1999). Peace Treaties and the United Nations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 67.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Novak, G. (2001). The Security Council: United Nations. Journal of Human rights, 3(1): 5. Prados, J., Ames, C. (2010). The Iraq War: U.S. and British Documents Give No Indication Alternatives Were Seriously Considered. National Security Archive. Web. Simon, T. (2009). International Peace Security: Basic Charter Provisions. United  Nations Review, 34(9): 23. Smith, P. (2002). The Charter of the United Nations. The Expositional Journal, 12(1): 32-33. This essay on United Nations and International Peace was written and submitted by user Amare Hoffman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Merriam-Websters 2017 Words of the Year

Merriam-Websters 2017 Words of the Year Merriam-Webster’s 2017 Words of the Year Merriam-Webster’s 2017 Words of the Year By Mark Nichol Toward the end of each calendar year, around the winter holidays, various dictionaries trot out their annual Words of the Year feature. This year, as can be expected, the focus (according to Merriam-Webster) was predominantly on terms directly or indirectly associated with politics. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year, prompted by various events and incidents regarding gender equality and women’s right, is feminism. The term has various connotations, depending on one’s perspective about the concept, but the objective meanings, according to the company’s website, are â€Å"the theory of . . . equality of the sexes† and â€Å"organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.† More unusual words that appeared in Merriam-Webster’s top ten include dotard, which refers to one in a state or period of dotage, or senility; the root word is dote, the verb form. (However, dote is more commonly employed for the sense of â€Å"give generous attention or affection.†) Like dotty (meaning â€Å"crazy or eccentric,† or â€Å"obsessed† or â€Å"ridiculous†), dote stems from a Germanic word meaning â€Å"foolish.† Another term prominent in online-dictionary surges earlier this year is the spelling bee participant’s bane, syzygy, which simply refers to a generally straight-line configuration of bodies in a solar system or other gravitational system, such as occurs during an eclipse. The word, by way of Latin, is from a Greek term meaning â€Å"yoked together.† Greek is also the source of gyro, which made the list in the sense of a type of sandwich of Greek provenance, rather than a spinning device such as a gyrocompass. Both senses relate to turning; the sandwich is so named because the meat filling is traditionally turned on a spit over flame to cook it. Then there’s gaffe (meaning â€Å"blunder or mistake†), sometimes erroneously spelled gaff, the word from which it is derived. A gaff is any one of several types of hooks or hooked implements, and as a verb it applies to using or applying a hook. As a slang term, it means â€Å"music hall or theater†- my guess is that it’s derived from the notion of the proverbial hook used to yank poorly received vaudeville performers off the stage- and it also informally pertains to abuse or an ordeal, or a trick or hoax. (It also serves as a verb associated with these senses.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:70 "Home" Idioms and ExpressionsHow to Punctuate Descriptions of ColorsRite, Write, Right, Wright

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation

5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation 5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation 5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation By Mark Nichol Phrasal adjectives that consist of more than two words are often flawed in construction, perhaps because writers are hesitant to complicate a phrase with more than one hyphen. But hyphens are cheap and handy linking devices, and as these sentences show, their proper use enhances clarity. 1. â€Å"The high cost of the multi-million dollar catamarans caused many boats to drop out of the competition.† What, exactly, is a dollar catamaran, and what does it mean to describe it as multi-million? That’s the format of the question anyone who describes the cost of something should ask before considering such a sentence complete and correct. For one thing, the prefix multi-, like most prefixes, is almost invariably attached to another word without a hyphen (exception: if the other word begins with an i), but the resulting compound, multimillion, should be attached to dollar to modify what type of catamaran is under discussion: â€Å"The high cost of the multimillion-dollar catamarans caused many boats to drop out of the competition.† 2. â€Å"He met all the deadlines for the challenging four-week long assignment.† The error here is the same as the second one in the previous example the lack of a hyphen creates the impression that the last word in a phrasal adjective is itself modified by the preceding word or words. This sentence refers to a long assignment that is four weeks in nature. But long belongs with â€Å"four-week,† so it should be hyphenated to week to complete the phrase modifying assignment: â€Å"He met all the deadlines for the challenging four-week-long assignment.† 3. â€Å"The adviser some call the world’s second-most powerful man prefers to work behind the scenes. Second-most is a nonsensical modification of â€Å"powerful man.† Powerful is part of the ranking, so it should be part of the phrasal adjective: â€Å"The adviser some call the world’s second-most-powerful man prefers to work behind the scenes.† 4. â€Å"Listen to any song from our vast collection of twentieth and twenty-first century music.† This invitation refers to music of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, not century music of the twentieth and twenty-first. Twentieth is an elided form of twentieth-century, so it should be followed by a suspensive hyphen, and century should be attached to twenty-first with another hyphen: â€Å"Listen to any song from our vast collection of twentieth- and twenty-first-century music.† 5. â€Å"Business must be good for small-businessman John Smith.† Because businessman is a closed compound, this sentence requires a different solution but not â€Å"Business must be good for small-business-man John Smith.† Here, too, an appositive one or more words that rename something is mistaken for a phrasal adjective. For the sentence to work, the appositive must be reworded so that small and business can be hyphenated to modify just what John Smith is an owner of a small business: â€Å"Business must be good for small-business owner John Smith.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good With8 Writing Tips for BeginnersPreposition Review #1: Chance of vs. Chance for

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History of Oklahoma Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of Oklahoma - Research Paper Example The west side of state experienced extensive drought and winds to generate storms as the east side of the region experienced a tropical climate. Hunting and gathering was a perverse activity in the west side of the state. The people that lived on the eastern side of the state practiced farming since the climate was favorable. According to the evidence of anthropologists humanity exists in the region prior to 1500 A.D. Researchers find oldest form of Paleo cultures, clovis cultures and folsom. Indigenous people populate the area that symbolically represents a pan-shaped figure. The eastern side of Oklahoma represented the Caddoan Mississippian culture that practiced agrarian activities. Natives living in the area established their houses on mounds and Chiefdoms controlled different communities. The Caddoan Mississippian culture emerged from earlier culture in 1000 A. D. Geographical-location of Caddoan was on Woodland penetrating the Red River. Other communities believed to live in the eastern side of Oklahoma included Wichita people that survived on the Great Plains. The difference between Mississippian cultures and Wichita plains culture is that the latter practiced agrarian activities while the former practiced hunting and gathering. Farming activity appeared in the South Canadian Rivers at 900 AD. . Native Americans at this period that practiced farming grew different types of crops such as legumes. The people practiced fishing, hunting of rabbits, deer, and gathered mussels. Indigenous people constructed rectangular thatched dwellings mostly near the river basins. Apache groups appeared at around 1500 and collaborated with Wichita cultures. Archeologist evidence suggests that Kiowa-Apache culture were hunter and gatherers. The only difference between Wichita culture and Apache culture is that the latter used dogs in their hunting spree. Both cultures are similar in that they

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Corporate Fundraising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Corporate Fundraising - Essay Example According to s 715A, the offer document should be presented and worded in a concise, clear and effective style. An offer document should supply with all relevant information and material to the investor and by doing so, the company would help the investor to make a wise investment decision. Thus, an offer document should be prepared as the guidelines provided in CA 20011. A proprietary company in Australia is barred from fund raising from the public. Some types of demeanour by corporations in Australia pertaining to financial services and products like the making of deceptive or bogus statements or involving in deceptive or deceptive conduct is barred. However, under s 113(3), a proprietary company can raise funds from the general public if the fundraising does not require a disclosure document where there is an exception. A corporation is not required to file a lengthy prospectus if it is exempted under s 708 or if the quantum of money to be raised is $ 10 m or less from the public. A company is required to file only an offer information statement if the amount that is going to be raised is $ 10 m or less. ... If the issue size is $ 5 million or less, an Australian company may issue offer information statements in lieu of a prospectus. In Hurst v Vestcorp Ltd (1988) 12 NSWLR 394, it was emphasised the significance of proper disclosure documents by a company while inviting the public for investment in its shares3. It is to be noted that offer of securities obtained outside Australia will not fall under the 700 (4) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). For example, if The Green Coffee Company Ltd, makes an offer of $7 million and $15 million in capital in Vietnam, then Australian laws will not be applicable. Further , if The Green Coffee Company Ltd wanted to raise $ 10 million or less , there is no need to issue a detailed prospectus or if is exempted under s 708. If it is intend to raise more than $ 10 million, it has to compulsorily file a detailed prospectus with ASIC and is bound by its statements. Application of Law The Corporation Act 2001 function to make sure that the investors are sa feguarded when they make a decision to buy shares. Assuming that the Green Coffee Company Ltd and not a proprietary limited company , if the company wants to go for public issue , then it has to observe the provisions contained in Chapter 6D of the Corporation Act 2001(Cth). There are many options available for the Green Coffee company as regards to fund raising. It may go for a public issue or may approach bankers to advance loan or issue of debentures, etc. Thus, proper mixture of minimal public issue with loan capital may offer leveraging or gearing to the company thereby enhancing its Return on Equity (ROE). In a nutshell, Green Coffee Company may engage to release an offer information statement

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Memorandum International management associated Essay Example for Free

Memorandum International management associated Essay Businesses have crossed borders, and it has been growing rapidly in recent decades because of the liberalization of government policies, and technological expansion. To satisfy the global demand of customers, it requires strong managements skills, sensitivity to cultural issues, and intercultural competence. As the multinational corporations grows and improve the quality, and operate at international level, this is why managers should ask three critical questions, first why should I expand internationally? Second where should I expand? Finally, how to expand? Which will help to achieve successful strategic objectives. `In this memorandum the Board of Directors for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc. concerns of the board of directors of the plant relative to international sales of products of for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc will be examined. This memorandum analyzes the international management considerations associated with the plant. ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc is anticipating nearly twenty percent of the sales from the international and overseas market. Therefore, the board of directors has expressed their concerns about the management of  international aspects for the plant. Some issues have been identified in overseas management procedures, and considerations for the same are to be provided. This memorandum expresses the concerns for the same. The ABC, Inc needs to adopt international management strategies to sustain its competitive position in the market via adequate cultural, technical, political, and economic environment. Localization Concerns After knowing why to expand either to increase sales or to cut costs or for other reasons . The ABC, Inc, should decide which countries to enter first, which type of countries to chose, what criteria to follow to make these choices. The best suggestion for ABC, Inc is enter the countries with the largest potential customers for its products, however managers should also think about how likely they are going to success in particular foreign market, and how to measure not only the geographic distance, but language, cultural, administrative, and economic distances as well. Language Concerns Language affects the way of employees, customers and business partners communicate with each other. Based on the level of foreign language knowledgebasically the Englishin the countrys society, the ABC Inc. must carefully decide whether it can use English as a working and advertising language or if its management has to learn the countrys own language and build the strategy on that language (Kozenkow). Cultural Concerns The habits, behaviors and consumer preferences of every society are determined with Culture. While implementing a business strategy overseas, ABC Kitchen Inc, should consider all the cultural characteristics of the targeted society. When entering new country the t firm should ask if the customers want the same thing, or it will have to modify the product to fit their satisfactions. . Therefore, for increasing overseas sale, ABC Inc, must plan its overseas strategy keeping in mind of the culture of the country for which the strategy is being planned. Administrative and International Laws concerns The ABC kitchen, Inc, need to abide and respect the different regulations,  government policies, and legal systems, because countries vary widely on these dimensions, which require the firm to has a deep understanding on how to meet those regulations to avoid failure, even if the firm has the best products in the markets. Technical development concerns Differences among the technical development and facility of markets internationally or within the United States determine fundamentally the opportunities of production, sales and marketing of the operating businesses. Management can build your advertising and promotion strategy exclusively on the Internet if the majority of the national population or local community uses the Web as its primary source of information. Economic concerns An other important factor is economic concern which is the average of purchasing power customers in different countries, and how elastic this power is, therefore, it means how much demand for the product changes, as the price goes up and down, because this is a big deal for the firm to know who are used to buy products in the market, where every one is wealthy. In other hands, may people with low wage should be a target. Economic differences like these have a major influence on what type of products will be demanded. Supply Chain Management Supply chains are an integral part of global quality and cost management initiative, because a typical company’s supply chain cost can represent more than 50% of assets and more than 80% of revenues. (Ball, 2010), in other word, the ABC, Inc should reduce the inventory of chain supply to reduce the cost. In order to do that the Board of Directors of ABC Inc. has to expresses reconsiderations for management across business functions in supply chain management. Managing the flow of raw materials, supplies as well as finished products are equally important as the management of sales and marketing. Competition Another concern is the competition in overseas market. Local products tend to be cheaper than the internationally exported products due to various forms of taxes included in them. Therefore, how will be the completion met in the  overseas market and what the management plans to do with the taxes and prices in the overseas market, the board of directors should be interested in knowing these aspects. Finance and Accounting Another factor that the firm should take it on consideration is the accounting practices and standard changes across the national borders, it is an obstacle to merge subsidiary financial results with those at the parent company, this is why there is a growing movement toward convergence of accounting standards across countries (Ball, 2010). This convergence will help the financial management to be more integrating, because the statements will be comparable. ABC complete Kitchen Finance management is particularly a concern point, as overseas countries change in value in terms of each other based on currency exchange rates. How will the ABC Inc. comply with financial laws and regulations in the host country, the concern particularly addresses following questions to be answered: What management is doing to understand how fluctuations in currency value change international business transactions? What is the process for financial tools such as derivatives, hedges, payment timing, exposure netting, price adjustments, balance sheet neutralizing, and swaps, and how they affect business performance? When and how to pay exporters in forms other than money; buyers frequently prefer payment rendered in the form of goods or services (countertrade)? Human resource concern Board of directors of ABC complete Kitchen Inc. has expressed interest and concern about the strategies of management and have questioned that how will be the needs of the resources and workers will be met across different countries. Furthermore, what is the best way to meet the needs of these employees and also best utilize their skills and talents to keep the business functioning smoothly? (Business) Ethics and Society Concerns After the ABC kitchen,Inc established a business global plan for marketing, operations, and human resource management , should now establish an ethically and socially business plan among its international management considerations. â€Å"The purpose of the firm is not simply to make profit, but to create value for all of its stakeholders, business success is judged not simply by company’s financial, but by how well it serves broad social interests† (Laweren, 2008). In other words if ABC ,Inc want to successes internationally, it should adopt strategy that apply ethical values and the respect of people on its global environment and for different people that affect the company, from the stakeholder ,to the shareholders, employees, customers, and society. To achieve that the Broad Director of the firm should adopt a stakeholder theory that consists on: identifying the relevant stakeholders group, determining the stake of each group, determining how the expectation of each group are met, finally look for the stakeholder interests. By following these steps the firm will build a good relationship with the shareholder, moreover will build reputation and trust that will enhance its performance. Finally, f or the hiring process the ABC ,Inc should put values and ethics as requirement to hire new employees, because it will not just help the organization but the global market place. Conclusion In summary, getting global strategy wright can be very difficult, because it requires matching the wright reasons for going global with the wright places and the wright strategies. The ABC Complete kitchen, Inc should follow the steps suggested while managing significant differences between countries, and responding to the intense rivalry from both global and local competitors, however when the challenges are great, the ABC Inc should get it wright, to win in a really big way. References Ball,G. (2010). International business: The Challenge of global competition,12th Edition, New York, NY: the McGraw-Hill Companies (n.d.). Considerations-when-managing-a-global-corporation. Retrieved from textbook/globalization-and-business-14/managing-international-corporations- 107/considerations-when-managing-a-global-corporation-499-10752/. Business, R. f. (n.d.). International Management. Retrieved from Management.html. Kozenkow, J. (n.d.). International Management Challenges. Retrieved from Lawerence,W. (2008). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 12th Edition. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Sullivan, D. (2011). Business strategies for organizational effectiveness within the global Perspective. Pearson Education, NJ: Prentice hall.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Importance of Reading Essay -- Teaching Education Essays

The Importance of Reading â€Å"Why do you read all the time?† A frequently asked question of my past and I still find it repeated even now as I have entered a higher class of the educated. Whenever posed with this blatant criticism of my preferred free time activity, I simply answer with â€Å"Why don’t you read all the time?† Of course I might sound like the biggest geek that ever walked the face of the earth, but the fact of the matter is that no matter what negative stereotype is attached to those who read, it has never stopped me from continuing to pursue my joy of literature. I am a firm believer in the power of a book and that the fact that the more well read you are the better chance you have of relating to entirely different groups of people. Ever since I can remember, my father has encouraged me to read. I suppose that it is due to his poor background that he is so inspired by books. As a result, I was reading Shakespeare before most could even pronounce his name. Captured by the amazing usage of words in the old Elizabethan era, I was spurred to read more by past British writers and they remain to this day my preferred choice of books. This is not to say that I am not a fan of the more modern author on the contrary, I read all genres and believe that each have their own additions to the literary world. However, none of them can compare to my all time favourite author, Jane Austen. First introduced to her when I was about twelve years old, I was instantly captured by her style of writing and her personal background. She is the most famous feminist writer of her time but was only truly celebrated after her death, to my own sentimental twelve-year-old heart that seemed so tragic and was automatically my reason to sympa... ... read finding great pleasure in a book. After knowing what I know about what books have brought to my life I feel sorry for those who cannot simply enjoy a novel instead of watching a movie. Even though I too have grown up in a society that is primarily film oriented and it has definitely been a part of shaping me, I am proud to say that I am more well rounded than that and have many levels and other things that have shaped who I am. My view on the world and its issues is broader and I have a better way of thinking of the world being better aware of the social differences within groups of people and the impoverished people that are scattered across our globe. I owe this all to my father who introduced me to literature and the greatness that it can hold for someone who is ready to accept it and step into the many lives and worlds created by ink and paper.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Customs and Curtiousies Essay

Marine customs are simply desirable courses of action sanctioned by tradition and usage. In the Marine Corps, practically every custom has grown out of the manner in which Marines of the past conducted themselves. Many Marine customs have been incorporated into regulations in order to standardize conduct throughout the Corps, but some of them cannot be found in written directives. Knowing and observing these customs, both written and unwritten, is important to each Marine because it keeps him mindful of the heritage and traditions of his Corps, and of his duty to uphold them. In addition, it makes him feel that he is a part of the team and helps to create the strong bond of loyalty between him and all other Marines that has become a distinguishing mark of the Corps. Have you ever wondered why your kid stands at attention when they are playing the National Anthem when you are at a sporting event? You might ask why don’t you put your hand over your heart? Or, why are you so stiff? I know I have received those questions. Lots of military customs and courtesies go unknown to a significant portion of this Nation’s population particularly when members of our Corps silently bey those time honored traditions while in civilian clothes. Here is a short list of things you may or may not know: The National Anthem. When played, the service member will stand at attention. If covered while in uniform, the service member will salute the National Ensign (our flag). It is also appropriate for the service member to turn and face the flag during the playing of the National Anthem. The appropriate civilian action is to place your right hand over your heart and stand still while facing the flag. Passing of the National Ensign. It is fitting to render proper honors to the Nation’s ymbol by standing when the flag passes. You will see this at parades or during a Command Review. For Marines in uniform and covered, rendering a salute is also proper. The Salute. Its history dates back a long way and there are several versions of why it exists. All theories agree on one thing, it is a courtesy that is offered when two individuals pass, similar to the tipping of a hat to acknowledge the presence of a lady. In the military, the salute is a greeting between an officer and an enlisted member or between a Junior officer and senior officer. All services, to include the Coast Guard, recognize saluting procedures. Some services apply different constraints on when a salute is rendered. For example, in the Marine Corps, a member will only salute while wearing a cover. In the Army, saluting in Physical Training clothing is appropriate although no cover exists. For all services, the salute begins with the Junior rendering the salute and the senior returning the salute. The sir. This is also the appropriate military greeting for Marines when not covered. Service Songs. Service songs are as historic as the service herself and most military embers take great pride in hearing their song played. For Marines, we consider our â€Å"Marine’s Hymn† to be a song that tells our lore and for most, it makes us swell up with pride when we hear it. Accordingly, we stand at attention when it is played. We also recognize our service within the Department of the Navvy and therefore find it fitting to render the same honor to â€Å"Anchors Aweigh†. You will hear both songs played at formal settings such as a Sergeant Major Post and Relief or a Change of Command ceremony. Appropriate civilian action during a service song is to sit and listen with pride. Of course, we’d love to see you stand beside us and know that you too are probably swelling up with pride for the love of your Marine. Marine Corps Birthday. One of the most famous Marine customs is the observance of the Marine Corps Birthday. Since 1921 the birthday of the Marine Corps has been officially celebrated each year on 10 November, since it was on this date in 1775 that Continental Congress resolved, â€Å"That two Battalions of Marines be raised†¦. † Over the years the Marine Corps Birthday has been celebrated in a wide variety of ways, depending on the location and circumstances of the Marine units. The celebration involves the reading of an excerpt from the Marine Corps Manual and a birthday message from the Commandant; the cutting of a birthday cake by the commanding officer; and the presentation of the first and second pieces of cake to the oldest and youngest Marines present. Recently, the ceremony for the observance of the Marine Corps Birthday by large posts and stations has been incorporated into written directives. Nautical Terms. Many of the Marine Corps customs are derived from the many years of service afloat. Even ashore Marines customarily use nautical terms. Floors are decks,† walls are â€Å"bulkheads,† ceilings, â€Å"overheads,† corridors, â€Å"passageways. † The order â€Å"Gangway! † is used to clear the way for an officer ashore, Just as it is afloat. Among other terms in common usage are: â€Å"two-block† -to tighten or center (as a necktie); â€Å"square-away† – to correctly arrange articles or to take in hand and direct an individual;† â€Å"head† – a bathroom; â€Å"scuttle-but† -a drinking fountain, also an unconfirmed rumor. In the Marine Corps, the nautical expression â€Å"Aye, Aye, Sir† is used when acknowledging a verbal order. â€Å"Yes, Sir† and â€Å"No, Sir† are used in answer to direct questions. Aye, Aye, Sir† is not used in answer to questions as this expression is reserved solely for acknowledgement of orders. Reporting Your Post. A custom which affects the guard is the manner in which a sentry reports his post to the officer of the day, or to the officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard. The customary procedure is for the sentry to salute or come to present arms and say, â€Å"Sir, Private reports Post Number all secure. Post and orders remain the same. Nothing unusual to report. † This custom has almost universal use throughout the Marine Corps. It is a word of mouth.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

No Country for Old Men

In the novel No Country for Old Men, written by Cormac McCarthy, a perversion of the American dream is presented as the relinquishment of power. Power is defined as the influence one has over people and in McCarthy’s novel he demonstrates three ways to posses this: money, authority, and the ability to strike fear into the hearts of others. Every thing is swallowed by a money-induced apathy lately, leaving nothing else of any importance. Moss, a main character in the novel, uses his new found wealth as a tool to manipulate bystanders into helping him get what he needs.In most cases people are hesitant at first to help this distressed looking man, but as soon as he waves a hundred dollar bill or two there are no more questions asked: Excuse me, he said. Leaning against the chainlink fence. His bloody footprints on the walk behind him like clues in an arcade. Excuse me. They were stepping off the curb into the roadway to go around him. Excuse me I wondered if you all would sell m e a coat. They didnt stop till they were past him. Then one of them turned. What’ll you give? He said. (p. 117)Money is power, and with this in mind many people do not see or simply just do not care about the people who are affected by their action. As long as the outcome has a nicely figured income it is all the same to them. When Llewellyn Moss stumbles across a leather briefcase containing the better part of 2 million dollars, a payoff intended for some Mexican dope-runners, his life takes a turn for the worst. He’s just too dumbfounded to realize. During a shoot out with the opposing parties, two of mosses bullets pierced threw an old woman’s second floor apartment window blowing her brains out on the back of her rocking chair.When Moss is presented with photographs of the woman he denies the fact that he could have ever done this and says, â€Å"You’re full of shit†(p151). How does a man that carries around a shotgun in a duffle bag not believ e he could have killed someone with a stray bullet? The unreal amount of money he posses now blinds him from the cold truth reality has to offer. Power has turned this once sensible man into a reckless killer and a fugitive. This asks the question what good is power if your life is uncontrollably spiraling down the drain.Moss let this power get the better of him and it ended with his death, where as Bell, the Texas county Sheriff, is over powered by the way society is forever changing in the worst ways. He realizes there is not much his authority can do to change the way crime is escalading, but he is still going to give it his best at the end of the day: I read the papers ever mornin. Mostly I suppose just to try and figure out what might be headed this way. Not that I done all that good a job headin it off. It keeps getting harder. (p. 40)It is people like Chigurh that the Sheriff is talking about if not specifically when he says â€Å"They dont have no respect for the law†¦ they dont even think about the law†. This man, whose authority was once well respected by the people, is now just referred to as â€Å"a redneck sheriff in a hick town†(p. 151). Even though he had the law, authority, and a taskforce behind him, Sheriff Bell was never even a threat to anyone in this novel. He lost his power a long time ago. Chigurh, a field worker, is in the business of killing and getting jobs done like the retrieval of stolen drug profit.And thinks of him self as a superior to al of his victims as if they should be thankful he is how he is, he tells one man â€Å" I’m here and you are there. In a few minutes I will still be here†¦if you don’t respect me what must you think of yourself? Look at where you are. † (p. 177). It really just relates back to the animal kingdom. Chigurh is a lion and everyone he has ever killed is a gazelle. If the lion stopped hunting the gazelles they would eventually not fear him anymore and he woul d no longer be kink of the jungle.Chigurh realizes he only has power because of his murders and becomes a slave to them. Even though he doesn’t want to kill Mosses wife he has to, so he try’s to explain â€Å"You’re asking that I make myself vulnerable and that I can never do. I have only one way to live†¦Do you see? † (p. 259) No country for old men sends across the message that Power is not everything it is cracked up to be especially in a bad situation. It comes and goes, but if it is your soul purpose in life to find it, you might just look up from your map and find yourself lost.When moss finds the briefcase he might think he is dream at first but he soon realizes it is more of a nightmare. So does Sheriff Bell, every time he reads the newspaper he thinks back to the way it was when his grandfather was the Sheriff. The only one who has managed to maintain what they consider to be a simple happy life is Chigurh the psychotic killer. So it is real ly left up to you to decide weather or not we are living the dream or trapped in a never-ending nightmare. By Kyle Dunbar No Country for Old Men In the novel No Country for Old Men, written by Cormac McCarthy, a perversion of the American dream is presented as the relinquishment of power. Power is defined as the influence one has over people and in McCarthy’s novel he demonstrates three ways to posses this: money, authority, and the ability to strike fear into the hearts of others. Every thing is swallowed by a money-induced apathy lately, leaving nothing else of any importance. Moss, a main character in the novel, uses his new found wealth as a tool to manipulate bystanders into helping him get what he needs.In most cases people are hesitant at first to help this distressed looking man, but as soon as he waves a hundred dollar bill or two there are no more questions asked: Excuse me, he said. Leaning against the chainlink fence. His bloody footprints on the walk behind him like clues in an arcade. Excuse me. They were stepping off the curb into the roadway to go around him. Excuse me I wondered if you all would sell m e a coat. They didnt stop till they were past him. Then one of them turned. What’ll you give? He said. (p. 117)Money is power, and with this in mind many people do not see or simply just do not care about the people who are affected by their action. As long as the outcome has a nicely figured income it is all the same to them. When Llewellyn Moss stumbles across a leather briefcase containing the better part of 2 million dollars, a payoff intended for some Mexican dope-runners, his life takes a turn for the worst. He’s just too dumbfounded to realize. During a shoot out with the opposing parties, two of mosses bullets pierced threw an old woman’s second floor apartment window blowing her brains out on the back of her rocking chair.When Moss is presented with photographs of the woman he denies the fact that he could have ever done this and says, â€Å"You’re full of shit†(p151). How does a man that carries around a shotgun in a duffle bag not believ e he could have killed someone with a stray bullet? The unreal amount of money he posses now blinds him from the cold truth reality has to offer. Power has turned this once sensible man into a reckless killer and a fugitive. This asks the question what good is power if your life is uncontrollably spiraling down the drain.Moss let this power get the better of him and it ended with his death, where as Bell, the Texas county Sheriff, is over powered by the way society is forever changing in the worst ways. He realizes there is not much his authority can do to change the way crime is escalading, but he is still going to give it his best at the end of the day: I read the papers ever mornin. Mostly I suppose just to try and figure out what might be headed this way. Not that I done all that good a job headin it off. It keeps getting harder. (p. 40)It is people like Chigurh that the Sheriff is talking about if not specifically when he says â€Å"They dont have no respect for the law†¦ they dont even think about the law†. This man, whose authority was once well respected by the people, is now just referred to as â€Å"a redneck sheriff in a hick town†(p. 151). Even though he had the law, authority, and a taskforce behind him, Sheriff Bell was never even a threat to anyone in this novel. He lost his power a long time ago. Chigurh, a field worker, is in the business of killing and getting jobs done like the retrieval of stolen drug profit.And thinks of him self as a superior to al of his victims as if they should be thankful he is how he is, he tells one man â€Å" I’m here and you are there. In a few minutes I will still be here†¦if you don’t respect me what must you think of yourself? Look at where you are. † (p. 177). It really just relates back to the animal kingdom. Chigurh is a lion and everyone he has ever killed is a gazelle. If the lion stopped hunting the gazelles they would eventually not fear him anymore and he woul d no longer be kink of the jungle.Chigurh realizes he only has power because of his murders and becomes a slave to them. Even though he doesn’t want to kill Mosses wife he has to, so he try’s to explain â€Å"You’re asking that I make myself vulnerable and that I can never do. I have only one way to live†¦Do you see? † (p. 259) No country for old men sends across the message that Power is not everything it is cracked up to be especially in a bad situation. It comes and goes, but if it is your soul purpose in life to find it, you might just look up from your map and find yourself lost.When moss finds the briefcase he might think he is dream at first but he soon realizes it is more of a nightmare. So does Sheriff Bell, every time he reads the newspaper he thinks back to the way it was when his grandfather was the Sheriff. The only one who has managed to maintain what they consider to be a simple happy life is Chigurh the psychotic killer. So it is real ly left up to you to decide weather or not we are living the dream or trapped in a never-ending nightmare. By Kyle Dunbar

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Hyperbaton in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Hyperbaton in Rhetoric Hyperbaton is a  figure of speech that uses disruption or inversion of customary word order to produce a distinctive effect. The term may also refer to a figure in which language takes a sudden turn- usually an interruption. Plural: hyperbata. Adjective: hyperbatonic. Also known as anastrophe, transcensio, transgressio, and tresspasser. Hyperbaton is often used to create emphasis. Brendan McGuigan notes that hyperbaton can tweak the normal order of a sentence to make certain parts stand out or to make the entire sentence jump off the page (Rhetorical Devices, 2007).The grammatical term for hyperbaton is inversion. Etymology From the Greek, passed over, transposed Examples Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man.(Edgar Allan Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart)From Cocoon forth a ButterflyAs Lady from her DoorEmerged- a summer afternoon- Repairing everywhere.(Emily Dickinson, From Cocoon forth a Butterfly)Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.(Escalus in William Shakespeares Measure for Measure, Act II, scene one)And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made(W. B. Yeats, The Lake Isle of Innisfree)pity this busy monster manunkind not(e.e. cummings)One swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine day.(Aristotle) Types of Hyperbaton One of the most common ways to use hyperbaton is to put an adjective after the noun it modifies, rather than before it. While this might be a normal word order in languages like French, in English it tends to give an air of mystery to a sentence: The forest burned with a fire unquenchable- unquenchable except by the helicopter that finally arrived.Hyperbaton can also put the verb all the way at the end of the sentence, rather than between the subject and the object. So rather than, She wouldnt, for any reason whatsoever, be married to that smelly, foul, unlikable man, you could write, She wouldnt, for any reason whatsoever, to that smelly, foul, unlikable man be married.Not the force hyperbaton carries with it.​(Brendan McGuigan, Rhetorical Devices: A Handbook and Activities for Student Writers. Prestwick House, 2007) Effects of Hyperbaton Most theorists . . . have been content to return to the definition of hyperbaton as an inversion which expresses a violent movement of the soul (Littre).Hyperbaton may well be considered to result from inversion because it is possible to recast the sentence so as to integrate the added segment. But the effect characteristic of hyperbaton derives rather from the kind of spontaneity which imposes the addition of some truth, obvious or private, to a syntactic construction apparently already closed. Hyperbaton always consists in an adjacent assertion . . . . This appears all the more clearly when the grammatical link seems loosest, as in the case of and preceded by a comma. Ex: The arms of the morning are beautiful, and the sea (Saint-Jean Perse, quoted by Daniel Delas, Poà ©tique-pratique, p. 44).​(Bernard Marie Dupriez and Albert W. Halsall, A Dictionary of Literary Devices. University of Toronto Press, 1991) The Lighter Side of Hyperbaton Maddie Hayes: Well, let me remind you Mr. Addison, that one case does not a detective make.David Addison: Well, let me remind you Ms. Hayes, that I hate it when you talk backwards.(Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis in Moonlighting, 1985) Pronunciation: high PER ba tun

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

American History Timeline From 1860 to 1870

American History Timeline From 1860 to 1870 1860 February 27, 1860: Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer from Springfield, Illinois, gave a speech at Cooper Union in New York City. Lincoln delivered a forceful and well-reasoned argument against the spread of slavery and became an overnight star and a leading candidate for the upcoming presidential election.March 11, 1860: Abraham Lincoln visited the Five Points, the most notorious slum in America. He spent time with children at a Sunday school, and an account of his visit later appeared in newspapers during his presidential campaign.Summer 1860: Candidates did not actively participate in campaigning in the mid-1800s, though Lincolns campaign used posters and other images to inform and win over voters.July 13, 1860: Albert Hicks, a pirate convicted of murder, was hanged on present-day Liberty Island in New York Harbor before thousands of spectators.August 13, 1860: Annie Oakley, sharpshooter who became an entertainment phenomenon, was born in Ohio.November 6, 1860: Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States. December 20, 1860: In response to Lincolns election, the state of South Carolina issued an Ordinance of Secession and declared it is leaving the Union. Other states would follow. 1861 March 4, 1861: Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the president of the United States.April 12, 1861: In the harbor at Charleston, South Carolina, Fort Sumter was attacked by Confederate guns.May 24, 1861: Death of Col. Elmer Ellsworth, an event which energized the North in the war effort.Summer and Fall, 1861: Thaddeus Lowe began the U.S. Army Balloon Corps, in which aeronauts ascended in balloons to view enemy troops.December 13, 1861: Prince Albert, the husband of Britains Queen Victoria, died at the age of 42. 1862 May 2, 1862: Death of writer and naturalist Henry David Thoreau, author of Walden.September 17, 1862: The Battle of Antietam  was fought in western Maryland. It becomes known as Americas Bloodiest Day.October 1862: Photographs taken by Alexander Gardner  were put on public display at Mathew Bradys gallery in New York City. The public was shocked by the carnage depicted in the photographic prints. 1863 January 1, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.July 1-3, 1863: The epic Battle of Gettysburg  was fought in Pennsylvania.July 13, 1863: The New York Draft Riots began, and continue for several days.October 3, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring a Day of Thanksgiving to he observed on the last Thursday in November.November 19, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address while dedicating a military cemetery at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg. 1864 January 3, 1864: Death of Archbishop John Hughes, an immigrant priest who became a political force in New York City.May 13, 1864: The first burial took place at Arlington National Cemetery.November 8, 1864: Abraham Lincoln won a second term as president, defeating General George McClellan in the election of 1864. 1865 January 16, 1865: General William Tecumseh Sherman issued Special Field Orders, No. 15, which was interpreted as a promise to provide forty acres and a mule to each family of freed slaves.January 31, 1865: The Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery in America, was passed by the United States Congress.March 4, 1865: Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for his second term as president of the United States. Lincolns second inaugural address is remembered as one of his most notable speeches.April 14, 1865: President Abraham Lincoln was shot at Fords Theatre and died the next morning.Summer 1865: The Freedmens Bureau, a new federal agency designed to help the freed slaves, began operation. 1866 Summer 1866: The Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans, was formed. 1867 March 17, 1867: The annual parade for St. Patricks Day in New York City was marred by violent clashes. In the following years, the tone of the parade was changed and it became a symbol of the emerging political power of the New York Irish. 1868 March 1868: The Erie Railroad War, a bizarre Wall Street struggle to control shares of a railroad, played out in the newspapers. The protagonists were Jay Gould, Jim Fisk, and Cornelius Vanderbilt.May 30, 1868: The first Decoration Day  was observed in the United States. The graves of Civil War veterans were decorated with flowers at Arlington National Cemetery and other cemeteries.February 1868: Novelist and politician Benjamin Disraeli became Prime Minister of Britain for the first time.Summer, 1868: Writer and naturalist John Muir arrived in Yosemite Valley for the first time. 1869 March 4, 1869: Ulysses S. Grant  was inaugurated as president of the United States of America.September 24, 1869: A scheme by Wall Street operators Jay Gould and Jim Fisk to corner the gold market nearly took down the entire U.S. economy in what became known as Black Friday.October 16, 1869: A weird discovery on an upstate New York farm became a sensation as the Cardiff Giant. The huge stone man turned out to be a hoax, but still fascinated a public which seemed to want a diversion.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Transfer of Japanese-Style Management to American Subsidiaries Research Paper

The Transfer of Japanese-Style Management to American Subsidiaries - Research Paper Example Firstly, the organization should desist from over-depending on personal relationships. Within Japanese sales situations, personal relations with customers are the single most crucial aspect of sales. This is hardly ever the case in the US. Although personal relations are essential in the US, they are not as vital as in Japan (Beechler and Yang 482). Americans are more independent than the Japanese and do not conform to a culturally established need to seek out personal relationships. Often, Americans find it vital to deter the appearance of favoritism opting to conduct business strictly on an emotionally distant basis. It is, therefore, critical that the Japanese realize that they should conduct business primarily on the basis of price, product fit or quality regardless of personal relationships. A notable benefit to the Japanese company is that, as a consequence of the natural interpersonal distance in the US business relations; the conventional Japanese requirement of sending expen sive seasonal gifts to potential, current, and past customers is not necessary. In truth, many Americans consider Japanese gift-giving practices as expensive, excessive and reason for ethical concern. In addition, the Japanese company will also need to change its culture of disparaging the company. In order to show humility and proper hierarchical status, Japanese businesspeople often criticize, disparage and demean themselves, their own products and company. Although this form of outward humility is a norm in Japan, it can result in diminished sales in the US. A Japanese customer automatically understands that a Japanese businessperson demeaning his company or product does so out of cultural behavior even in the event that the product is the best in the industry (Beechler and Yang 486). This is not so in the US, hence in order to attain success in the US production industry, Digital Frontier should express confidence by touting the strength of its  products and services.